Saturday, November 17, 2012

Go-Go Gadget Copter

Preston Summit, signing on! Today I will be talking about Inspector Gadget's Gadget Copter. Remember in the Gadget Coat post where I told you if the coat deflates then only the Gadget Brella and Gadget Copter can save him? Well, the Gadget Copter is basically a Gadget Coat - except he can control it. Whenever he says "Go-Go Gadget Copter" then helicopter blades with handlebars come out of his hat and start spinning. If he pulls the handlebars up, then he'll go up. If he pulls the handlebars down, he'll go down and so on. But if he doesn't do anything with the handlebars and he just holds them, he'll sort of glide along, going forward. Sometimes he'll do something wrong with the Gadget Copter and he'll be spinning with the helicopter blades. Well, I think that's enough for today. Preston Summit, signing off!


  1. Wow, this is a great post Preston. The Gadget Copter sounds very useful - maybe even more useful than the Gadget Coat. Where can I get one?

  2. I think...I'm not sure where you could get one, actually.
