Friday, November 2, 2012

Go-Go Gadget Neck

Hello for my third post. Today I will talk about Inspector Gadget's Gadget Neck. Usually this gadget is used if Inspector Gadget wants to see something but he's too far away. All he has to do is say "Go-Go Gadget Neck" and his neck stretches from his body so he can see anything. Up above this post is a picture of Inspector Gadget using his Gadget Neck. Anyway, what's the temperature over there you are in the world? It's pretty cold here in Maui. I guess you guys would call 63 degrees Fahrenheit warm but not me. I'd call it freezing! Goodbye.


  1. Inspector Gadget really knows when to stick his neck out for someone. It's 72 here this morning in Maui and I'd call that warm!

  2. Cold for me! And good joke, Mom.
